With six branches operating across Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac, the Cayman Islands is lucky enough to have a Public Library System which boasts an extensive physical book collection for both adults and children, as well as a comprehensive eBook collection and an online database. But all of these resources at your fingertips begs the question: where do you begin?
Get Signed Up
A great way to start getting the most out of Caymans library service is with a library card! Becoming a member at your local library gives you total access to its wealth of resources, as well as entry to a vibrant community and cultural centre. Members are able to use the librarys computer lab for free, and can take advantage of the designated quiet zones perfect for doing your homework or reading a book in peace. After signing up, library card holders can check out a book for up to three weeks, with a chance to call and renew for another two! Children 17 and under and seniors age 60+ can join the library for free, Adults age 18-59 pay CI$5. Membership forms can be found at www.cipl.gov.ky and should be printed off, filled out and brought into your local library branch.
Online Services
As well as over 60,000 hard copy books, the library has an eBook collection with over 33,000 books, 1,700 magazine articles and 5,000 K-8 books in full text or PDF formats. They also have two student academic databases available where you can search for peer-reviewed and scholarly information on reading, language, arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health and technology. To access these resources go to www.cipl.gov.ky, click on the EBSCO link for eBooks and the SIRS link for the databases.

Educational Programming
The Cayman Islands Public Library Service (CIPLS) proudly hosts an assortment of educational programmes that consider the needs of different age groups, different backgrounds and each local district. Below are some of the services offered to the local community.
Play Read Learn!
This library-based programme is for children between the ages of 3-5 with a parent or caregiver present, at the West Bay and North Side public libraries. Days and times vary; contact the George Town Library on Tel: (345) 949 5159 for details.
Summer Reading Challenge
Runs July through August, at all library locations. The Summer Reading Challenge is geared toward school-aged readers as a means of developing a childhood enjoyment of reading and promoting continued reading and learning throughout the summer holidays.
Saturday Chess
Free chess sessions, hosted by the Cayman Chess Club, are held every Saturday at the George Town Library, 11am-12pm, and are designed to introduce beginners to the game, and help intermediate players develop their skills. It is open to children of all ages but a parent or caregiver must be in attendance.
Computer Basics
One-day introduction to computers classes are offered at all six library branches; they cover basic computer skills and are free to all participants. The curriculum is designed for seniors and first-time computer users. Contact your local library branch directly for more details on course dates.
Music at the Library
The Cayman Arts Festival and the CIPLS proudly present monthly one-hour concerts at the George Town Public Library, which includes classical music, in addition to poetry and readings from local poets and writers.
Public Libraries
With a branch in each district, and one location on Cayman Brac, the Islands Public Library Service has continuously made strides to maintain the Islands widespread accessibility to information. Find your nearest branch below and start discovering all that these great community hubs have to offer.
- George Town Library
68 Edward Street, George Town
Tel: (345) 949 5159
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-6pm, Thursday 10am-7.30pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. - Vernon L. Jackson Library
69 Bodden Town Road, Bodden Town
Tel: (345) 947 0966
Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-1pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. - East End Library
2739 Sea View Road, East End
Tel: (345) 947 7729
Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-1pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. - North Side Library
891 North Side Road, North Side
Tel: (345) 947 9362
Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-1pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. - Emily (Teacher) Redley Powery Memorial Library & Learning Centre
182 Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay
Tel: (345) 949 7659
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm. - Cayman Brac Library
263B Stake Bay Road, Cayman Brac
Tel: (345) 948 0472
See gov.ky for opening hours.

Alternative Resources
In addition to Public Libraries, there are a number of alternative educational resources available to children and adults across Grand Cayman:
School Libraries
Many schools across the Island are equipped with a school library or student media centre. If your childs school has a library, encourage them to get familiar with the various resources! Find out the hours of operation and what the book lending policies are.
The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman
The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman operates a Book Mobile mobile library, filled with books for all ages. It is permanently parked next to the administration building at George Town Primary School and opens every Thursday from 12.30pm-1.30pm for the children at the school to use in their lunch hour and borrow books. For more information about the mobile library and volunteering opportunities please email: info@kiwanis.ky or visit www.kiwanis.ky.
The Rotary Central
Little Free Library Programme by the Rotary is a take a book, return a book free book exchange. Libraries are situated at various business establishments in the country in both Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac, and anyone can contribute or take books. Persons can take a book (or several) from any free library and return any book they choose to at any of the libraries on Islands.
The Sam Basdeo Learning Resource Centre
Located at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) it has some excellent academic resources within its collection. For further information on accessing their resources, please contact Mrs. Lucille Kong at (345) 623 0563 or email: lkong@ucci.edu.ky.