Super nannies do so much to help parents and can be a wonderful and invaluable addition to your family.

Jody McCrea
Jody McCrea is from Jamaica and is a nanny to two girls aged 4 and 7 years old.
What’s the most popular meal you cook for the children?
The girls’ parents are from South Africa and it is important to them that the kids try foods from places other than their home country. I often make oxtail for the family to expose them to Caribbean foods which we enjoy exploring together.
What is the most challenging situation you have faced so far whilst looking after the children?
I am often asked to support the family when unexpected emergencies arise. It is especially challenging when the children get sick, simply because it is hard to see them unwell and it tugs at my heartstrings.
What is the funniest thing that you remember the children saying or doing?
These kids keep me entertained every day but especially when the insightful thoughts come from their young minds. Hearing them speak in a Jamaican accent is pretty entertaining too!
What do you find the most rewarding part of looking after children?
The children tell me and show me every day, in their play, in our conversations and when crying for me in a time of need, that I am an integral part of the family unit. Not only do I take care of the girls’ basic needs but I help with their homework, offer an ear when they need help resolving a conflict and am always a safe space for them.
Did your qualifications prepare you well for being a professional nanny?
I worked very hard to earn my diploma in childcare which included both technical and practical knowledge. I am first aid trained and have proven to be calm, collected and proactive in an emergency. Having good judgement is something that I pride myself on and whilst initiative cannot be taught, it is equally as important to my personal growth.

Breeze Beard
Breeze Beard is British and is a nanny to two girls aged 6 and 8 years old.
What’s the most popular meal you cook for the child?
The kids and I love to make homemade pizzas! We enjoy experimenting with different bases and toppings, they love to help and get involved in the kitchen.
What is your favourite place to take the child to play?
During the term breaks we thoroughly enjoy a day out visiting the Botanical Gardens. We start with the trails and explore all the wildlife, beautiful flowers and plants. I always bring a picnic and plenty of water because it can get very hot! After lunch we visit the children’s area where we have imaginative play, get soaked in the fountains and explore their awesome treehouses.
If a child becomes upset or angry, how do you calm them down?
Firstly, you need to identify what it is that's upsetting them and to try to find a solution whilst also teaching them to manage their feelings. Children of different ages react differently; toddlers are learning new boundaries and can find it hard to manage their emotions without having the words to express themselves. Always support and reassure children that their feelings are valid. It's important to address the issue in order for them to be able to cope and become well-adjusted and kind human beings.
What first interested you in a career in childcare?
From a young age I always loved being around children, finding them refreshing and intriguing. Maybe it's because I’m still very much a child at heart. I started working in a nursery setting whilst at college and gained my childcare qualifications. I then moved onto private nannying and have been so lucky to work with such amazing families.

Karen Ingram-Richards
Karen Ingram-Richards is from Jamaica and is nanny to two girls aged 5 and 2 years old.
Do the children have a favourite game they like to play with you?
The girls enjoy it when we do puzzles together.
If a child becomes upset or angry, how do you calm them down?
I usually just give them a big kiss and automatically their behaviour changes for the better.
What has looking after children taught you?
It has taught me to be patient, kind and loving, and to always provide a listening ear when needed.
What do you think are the best things about raising children in Cayman?
One of the main things I have noticed is that instead of seeing the kids latched onto a screen, they are outside interacting with other kids and learning new activities.
What was your childcare experience prior to working with your current family/children?
I'm a mother to two amazing girls and growing up I had to assist my mother with my siblings, so taking care of children has always played an important role in my life.
Have you ever had to deal with an emergency situation involving the child or children you look after? How did you handle it?
I just handle each situation with care because often when emergencies occur people tend to get nervous and panic and that can create additional stress.
What first interested you in a career in childcare?
My love for children. They are the men and women of tomorrow and I strongly believe that with the right foundation, one that is rooted and grounded in love and support, every child can reach their full potential.

Colleen “Nadine” Dyer
Colleen “Nadine” Dyer is Jamaican and has been looking after children for 9 years.
What first interested you in a career in childcare?
Initially, I wanted a career in food and nutrition but then I got my first job as a nanny and it became my new-found love. Children are amazing and I love working with them. It brings so much joy and happiness to me knowing that I am able to contribute positively to their growth and development.
What aspects of nannying do you find most rewarding/enjoy the most?
The most rewarding part for me is when the children grow up to be kind, wonderful people. It is very pleasing to know that I played a small role in that.
If a child becomes upset and angry, how do you calm them down?
This depends on the age of the child as different strategies work for different age groups. Generally though, speaking calmly helps, asking questions to see how best I can help, and I usually suggest we take a break and go for a walk.
What has looking after children taught you?
How to be more patient.
What do you think are the best things about raising children in the Cayman Islands?
I am from a different culture and I love learning new ways of doing things. There are so many different cultures here, and I love that the children are exposed to that and find it completely normal.
How do your qualifications prepare you for being a professional nanny?
Whilst I don’t have any formal qualifications, I have just been CPR/AED trained and I am taking other courses, including how to teach Jolly Phonics.