Dr. Keane is a UK qualified General Practitioner with a specialist interest in ENT. She graduated in 2010 with an MBChB in Medicine and Surgery and a BSc in Microbiology and Pathology from the University of Bristol.
After graduating, she completed medical foundation training and General Practice training in London. Dr. Keane moved to the Cayman Islands in 2019 and has since worked at ENT in Cayman and completed the Postgraduate Diploma in ENT from the Rila Institute of Health Sciences, University of Plymouth.

ENT in Cayman Ltd.
MBChB in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bristol, UK
BSc in Microbiology and Pathology, University of Bristol, UK
Diploma in Child Health, Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health, UK
Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK
Postgraduate Diploma in ENT, University of Plymouth, UK