Jasmine (Cayman HospiceCare)
Jasmine is the Cayman Islands' only dedicated provider of free palliative and hospice care, offering essential support to individuals facing serious illnesses, regardless of age or stage of illness. Their services include symptom management, emotional support, patient advocacy, and bereavement support, provided by a team of specialist nurses and caregivers who work in close collaboration with primary care physicians. Jasmine’s care is available at any stage of an illness, not just at the end of life, and can be received alongside ongoing treatments for conditions like cancer, dementia, neurological diseases, kidney failure, and heart disease.
Palliative care, often misunderstood as being only for end-of-life or cancer patients, can actually benefit anyone with a long-term illness and is available at any stage, even during active treatment. Jasmine's support can be accessed in various settings, including a patient’s home, one of Jasmine’s outpatient clinics, or their purpose-built facility, depending on the needs and preferences of the patient and their family. They also offer complementary therapies, community programs, and bereavement support to further enhance the quality of life for their patients.
Jasmine’s services are over 90% funded by the generosity of the Cayman community, ensuring that all care is provided free of charge. Anyone interested in accessing Jasmine's services can self-refer by contacting them directly or by attending one of their weekly clinics at the Health Services Authority (HSA) or Health City.