School Details
- Ages: 5-17
- School type: Public, Special Needs
Good To Know
- After-school care: No
- Learning support: Yes
- Homeschool support: No
- Inspection report grade: Good
- Sibling discount: No
The Lighthouse School is Cayman's only all-age government school and it provides intensive therapy and intervention for children with moderate to severe special educational needs, or for children with complex or multiple challenges to their learning.
Specifically it caters for children ages 5-17 years who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD) or profound learning disabilities and/or multiple disabilities (PMLD). The current enrolment is 110 students.
The school follows a curriculum driven by a personalised learning programme which incorporates students’ interests and lifelong learning. The Cayman Islands National Curriculum is delivered for students with moderate learning difficulties while the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) and City and Guilds programmes are offered to older students. In 2017, the school was recognised by ASDAN for its inclusive curriculum.
The school has four phases.
- Key Stage 1, for students aged five to eight years, which comprises of ASD, MLD and SLD combined and PMLD
- Key Stage 2, for students aged nine to 11 years, which comprises of ASD, MLD and SLD combined and PMLD
- Key Stage 3, for students aged 11 to 14 years, which comprises of ASD, MLD and SLD combined and PMLD
- Key Stage 4, for students aged 15 to 17 years, which comprises of MLD, SLD and PMLD
The Key Stage 3 curriculum builds on life skills and enhances students’ physical, emotional, social and moral development. At Key Stage 4, the curriculum develops students’ workplace skills development through the ASDAN and City and Guilds programme. Every student has an individual education plan that focuses on developing their unique abilities to the fullest potential
If you feel your child would benefit from this school, you must contact the Senior School Improvement Officer for Special Educational Needs, Miss Janice Hedley, at the Department of Education Services (Tel: (345) 945 1199) or email: All children attending the Lighthouse School need to be recommended for entry by the Dept. of Education Services Placement Panel following an appropriate application through Mr. Janice Hedley. Any application must be accompanied with the specialist assessments and documentation detailed on the application form which can be obtained from the Department of Education.
Those coming from overseas need to be aware that even if their child meets the criterion for placement, placement is on a space available basis and the school has been at its maximum capacity for some time now.
To view the Lighthouse School's most recent inspection report please see here. Their overall inspection report assessed the school to be 'Good' - October 2023.